French Broad Section 9

River:French Broad
Trip Date:04/08/2012
Written by: , Posted: April 11, 2012

French Broad Section 9 Trip Report.  4/8/2012. Submitted by Wayne Jones


On Sunday morning of the Easter Trip, I raised my hand to ask Rich about the logistics of paddling the French Broad River Section 9 on the way back to Raleigh.  Despite appearances, I was quite sure of where the French Broad was.  However, what I wasn’t too sure about was the current location of Wayne Jones.  Another victim of GPS, I suppose.  Paddlers started to gather around me uncertainly after I said I would lead a trip.


So, after gathering ourselves, and some head scratching and someone producing an actual paper map, we headed off successfully to Barnard, NC.  There we met up with a stray couple from Atlanta who wanted to run down to Hot Springs.  Section 9 consists of 2 parts: Barnard to Stackhouse, and Stackhouse to Hot Springs.  As a group, we were split between Hot Springs (8 miles) and Stackhouse (4 miles) as the takeout points.  Fortunately, there was plenty of water: 3,300 cfs by my and AW’s reckoning .  We split shuttles between the 2 takeouts and got on the river.  There were 13 of us in 12 boats, including folks from Ohio, West Virginia, Georgia, and of course North Carolina.


I have paddled this river many times, but mostly at the 1,200–1,700 cfs level, which I would describe as very novice-friendly.  At 3,300, it becomes less so, being pushier in general, and many of the pick-your-way-down rapids become more substantial.  This requires that attention be paid.  However, the line for Pillow Rock rapid, the most difficult on the first section, is still well defined.  No problems there.  One big advantage of the river is that a swim generally is not too long an event, (unless you start in S Turn above Pillow Rock, I suppose).  This is something 2 of our party were able to capitalize on, good for them!


Did I mention it was very windy?  At Stackhouse, as we wrapped up the first part of the trip, the couple from Atlanta decided they had gotten their money’s worth and were ready to get off.  Ron Miller and Marlow Durbin graciously shuttled them down to Hot Springs.  Only 3 of our party were continuing on, so we all waved goodbye and wished the Yankees from Ohio well as they headed off towards the Windy Flats on their way to Hot Springs.  Heh-heh.  Another great day on the river.


Wayne Jones

Cameron Jones

Michael Duval

David Henson

Jeff from Akron

Don Beyer and Jo Beyer

Jon Beyer and Lauren Beyer

Ron Miller

Marlow Durbin

Unnamed couple from Atlanta