Notice of openings on WOR campground waiting lists
I received the following message from the management at Smoky Mountain Meadows with a request to circulate it to CCC members:
SMMC has vetted the 4 waiting lists to see who still wants to be on them, and who does not.
As a result, there are some openings on the ‘WAITING LISTS’.
This is not a guarantee that you will be offered a site next year, rather this is the first time in MANY years that there has been any sort of movement on the list.
The available openings are as follows:
Each waiting list will be closed once the 15 maximum is reached. SMMC will let CCC know when any openings occur.
Given a max of 15 members per waiting list, below are the openings currently available:
Cabins 8 Openings
RVs 3 Openings
Tents 4 Openings
Water & Electric Only 9 Openings
Only email requests will be accepted, as we can verify the date and time the request came in. First request/first serve.
Please send requests to:
We will not be working on WOR 2023 Perm Site assignments/reservations until next March or April as we prepare the Pre-registration forms for emailing on May 1, 2023. Any requests regarding site assignments will be answered at the beginning of next season. We would appreciate CCC making the SMMC Written Guidelines (PDF) available on its website soon to give members as much time as possible to read and understand the guidelines/protocols and changes in the reservation/payment and check-in procedures.
Thank you,
SMMC Management
SMMC WOR Guidelines (PDF)