River project on the Henry Fork and Jacob Fork in memory of Bob Benner

[This proposal was unanimously approved by the membership with 34 votes.]

The CCC Board is putting forth a proposal to its membership to contribute $1,000 to the Foothills Conservancy for a river project on the Henry Fork and Jacob Fork rivers in Western NC, in memory of Bob Benner. The expenditure would come from the Club’s General Fund.

Bob was a founder of the club, first president, canoe and outdoor recreation instructor, avid environmentalist, and guidebook author.

Background on Bob Benner:

Members can also make contributions directly to the Foothills Conservancy for the same project. The Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves eight counties in North Carolina and three major river basins — the Broad, Catawba and Yadkin. Foothills has protected land along Wilson Creek, Henry Fork River, the Catawba headwaters and other place in the region.

According to the Foothills website, the nonprofit has conserved 59,301 acres since 1995 and transferred 51,286 acres to public ownership.