Officer Nominations for 2014
The Nominating Committee has announced the following candidates for the 2014 slate of officers:
President: Wendy Krause
Conservation Chair: Bob Brueckner, Jonathan Micancin
Cruise Chair: Joan Monnig
Education Chair: Garrick Taylor
Member-at-Large: Ken Dubel
Membership Chair: Daniel Richardson
Safety Chair: Allen Freeman
Treasurer:Wayne Jones
Voting for the Officers of the Carolina Canoe Club for the 2014 term will be conducted electronically on the website and in person at the CCC Annual Meeting in December.
You must be a current member of the Carolina Canoe Club to vote, electronically or at the meeting, and only one vote is allowed for each membership. “Membership” can be an individual or a household (those living at the same address). If it is a household, only one person in the household can vote, regardless of how many people are listed in the database for that household.
To submit a name for inclusion on the electronic ballot via a request to the nominating committee send an email to Names will be accepted until the day before the end of the electronic voting period (note some delays may occur – submit early!).
Once voting begins, a ballot will appear here: Until that time, the ballot will be closed.