ACA Level 4 Kayak Instructor Certification Class Oct 2nd to 6th 2024

A message from David Evans <>. David is offering an ACA L4 Kayak Instructor Development and Certification class with a substantial discount for CCC paddlers. Please see below:


I am planning on holding an ACA Level 4 Kayak Instructor Development and Certification class on the Tuckasegee from October 2nd to 6th.


The cost of this class will be $550.00, however a significant discount is available for club instructors who commit to the class two weeks prior to the class.

$100 discount for volunteering/committing to teach for a club.

An additional $100 discount for paying for the class by September 20th 2024.

The cost includes accommodation at a modest cabin (shared rooms) and breakfast (cereal, toast, coffee) and lunch (sandwich makings).

This makes the class potentially $350.


The Level 4 whitewater kayak instructor course will cover beginner and intermediate teaching progressions, strokes, river maneuvers, rolling, class organization and risk management.  We will start by emphasizing flatwater skills and development of teaching techniques, and then focus on river skills and risk management.  ACA certification is recognized as the baseline for paddling instructors, and provides instructors with a number of benefits, including insurance and several pro-deals.

Instructor candidates should be comfortable on the Tuck and be interested in learning how to paddle and teach more effectively.  Candidates will be evaluated based on their boating skills, their ability to teach effectively, and their ability to model paddling skills on flatwater and up to class II whitewater.   To receive certification candidates will need to successfully complete a number of teaching and performance requirements.  Participation in the class does not guarantee certification at the L4 level.  Participants who do not receive L4 certification may certify at a lower level and will be given a written list of areas to work on, and will have up to four years to complete the list.  Part of the class will focus on polishing and developing the candidate’s skills, and many paddlers find that both their teaching and their paddling skills improve after taking the course.

If your certification has expired you are welcome to take this class to recertify.

For more information call or text me at 423.847.2199. Or email


David Evans.