Little Buffalo Creek to Deep River (Hurricane Helene)

Trip Date:09/28/2024
Written by: , Posted: September 27, 2024

Trip was approximately 1 mile or so Lake, 1.25 of Creek and 0.25 upstream on Deep River

I had foot scouted this run previously using my packraft from the Deep River launch on US-15/501. The creek had looked promising and although short in length, this also makes for a short shuttle. What I hadn’t had an opportunity to scout before was the lake off Deep River Rd. I knew at some point the lake transitions back to creek, but I wasn’t sure if there was a dam or something else that made the water pool for the lake. Things started a little questionable when I initially struggled to find deep water on the lake and briefly got lost in some weedy grass. Not long after though, I found deep water and could paddle smoothly on the lake without any obstructions.

When I reached the end, I was happy to see there was not a dam, but rather a smooth transition from lake to creek with ledge drops, two or three about 3 ft each. The creek then curved left and a few smaller ledges and current followed with a tree just high enough to limbo under. The creek then was mellow for about 200 ft or so which was good, because there was a tree blocking the whole width that I needed to portage. It was easy because the water was right at the banks and this was the only portage that was needed before the rapids ended. The rest was easy class 1-2 with fast current and brief flat areas between each rapid. Many blind corners throughout, but all were boat scoutable. At the end of the creek, there is a 4 ft dam at no flow, with river right being a sloped rock. Today, this was a one ft drop and small boil line, easy to clear. One more log portage, then a short trip up a higher than normal, but flat Deep River to the 15/501 launch to take out. Overall, this was a fun quick trip at a perfect water level. Most probably wouldn’t want to run this for the short length and lake paddle on the first half, but it would make a Deep River Trip from what would otherwise be 15/501 to US1 more interesting. Although the rapids don’t go over heavy class 2 in a couple spots, I wouldn’t recommend the trip to a beginner due to the fast current and many bends. I, however, will probably go back to this one someday.

I didn’t get good photos this time, but there are some comparisons between low and high water. I hope everyone is keeping safe with this crazy weather and I’ll be praying for our friends down south and in the mountains.