Mighty Mayo River Trip 2025, the 20th!


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Limited Contact: Alton Chewning You are not logged in.

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The Mayo is Mighty once again!.  Come celebrate the 20th anniversary.  Lots of info on the MMRT2025 facebook page (see block above) and at the CCC MMRT First Timers Guide.

Contact Joe Berry if you have questions:  jmbbmj@bellsouth.net

Advanced forecast for Stoneville, the closest town, is 48 degrees and a chance of showers.  Paddling weather.  See you there.

All participants in any Carolina Canoe Club (CCC) trip do so as common adventurers. The CCC or its individual members may coordinate paddling trips but no one is considered leader of a trip. As common adventurers, all participants take the responsibility for making their own decisions including, but not limited to, whether it is safe for them to participate on any particular water body, what equipment they need and use, the routes they may choose to paddle, whether their skill levels and abilities are adequate for the activity or whether climate and water conditions are appropriate for their participation. Participants are exclusively responsible for their own safety.

Individual coordinators for all CCC activities set requirements per their sole discretion. The CCC does not necessarily endorse or approve requirements set by coordinators.