Safety and Rescue classes

  • I have multiple River Safety and Rescue and Swiftwater Rescue Classes getting ready to hit the calendar so watch for them to come up in the future.

Of those, we have the following locked in;


July 24th: L3 River Safety and Rescue skills course taught through Cape Fear River Adventures.  You will sign up and register through CFRA once they post it and if you are a paid CCC member you will get a discounted rate.  They will verify membership with us prior to course.  Look for this to be posted on their website within next week or so.

August 14 & 15th:  L4 Swiftwater Rescue skills course:  12 Slots, Catawba River, Rock Hill SC.

Sept 5th: All women L3 River Safety and Rescue skills course(taught by Jennifer Stockwell and Francheska Hebden), 8 Slots, Location TBD

I am also finalizing some dates for teaching classes with a few of our local outfitters and will get them posted as soon as those dates are locked in.  I want to schedule an L3 Skills course for the CCC specific however I need the demand to make that happen so if you have not already go onto the Facebook group and find the poll on dates and respond to it so I can get another L3 on the Calendar for all your awesome members.

As always, let me know if you have any questions and stay safe out there!

William Holman

Safety Chair