
Release info from

Catawba/Wateree Recreational Flow Release ScheduleRelease Schedule 

Cheoah RiverClick here to see the schedule on American Whitewater and SafeWaters

Falls Lake Dam (Neuse River)
Call 919-846-9332 option 1. The recording states the Falls Lake water temperature, lake elevation and current release volume and is usually updated Monday-Friday at 8am. If the release changes during the day another update is typically provided.

Green – Call 828-698-2068 (for current day’s release information only). You can also check Green River Flows online

Gauley and Russell Fork


Nantahala – Daily Release Schedule  Upper/Cascades

New River Gorge Water Level Conversions

North Branch of the Potomac (and Savage)

Ocoee (Middle is Ocoee No. 2, Upper is Ocoee No. 3)

Pigeon (TN) 
Call 1-800-899-4435 to hear a recorded message announcing the anticipated release dates for the coming week. The message is updated every Friday year round.

Russell Fork

TallulahClick here to see the schedule on American Whitewater

TuckasegeeDownstream Flow Releases

West Fork of the Tuck

Upper Yough