I have 3 courses on the calendar but I know there are many more people that need a class than slots available. I have new instructors who are ready to teach you and many available options to get more courses on the calendar, I just need the demand to put more out there. If you are interested in attending a course and cannot attend one of the ones listed then send me a message or email me so I can get a count of who all still needs courses and I can get more scheduled. (this should be everyone who hasn’t attended a course in the last 2 or 3 years as Safety and Rescue is an ever changing doctrine and is constantly improving!)
Currently myself and the other instructors are working with local outfitters to run classes through their businesses to also give the general public a chance to also attend a course at an affordable price but I would also like to get another CCC run L3 RSR course on the calendar but I need the demand to make that happen.
I will put as many courses on the calendar as there is demand so give me a list to work off of!
Thank you
William Holman
Safety Chair