2020 Officer Election

The voting form will be available on this page on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, will be open for 15 days,  and close on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Alternately you can vote at the Holiday Party.

Voting for the Officers of the Carolina Canoe Club for the 2020 term will be conducted electronically (via this ballot below) and in person at the CCC Annual Meeting in December.

Bios for the current officers are generally available on the Officers/Staff Page. Bios for other candidates will appear here if so provided.

Wayne Jones (candidate for Education Chair): 

My family and I got our introduction to paddling in 1999 with a 2-day family clinic with the Nantahala Outdoor Center. My son and I continued in the sport and have been members of Carolina Canoe Club since 2000. My children are now grown and my wife and I live in Raleigh. The friendships I have developed with other paddlers, the constant opportunity to both learn and teach, and the pure enjoyment of being on a river continue to keep me motivated. I am always happy to paddle class II/III rivers but I also enjoy developing my class IV skills. I am proud to be an ACA-certified Instructor and teaching has added a new dimension to my paddling. This club has many extraordinary members, and I hope to help continue a tradition of leadership for the organization.

The results of the electronic ballots will be combined with the results from the manual ballots cast at the meeting. The final results will be presented at the club meeting in December and then posted on the CCC web site.

You must be a current member of the Carolina Canoe Club to vote, electronically or at the meeting, and only one vote is allowed for each membership. “Membership” can be an individual or a household (those living at the same address). If it is a household, only one person in the household can vote, regardless of how many people are listed in the database for that household.

The Nominating Committee came up with the slate of candidates that appear on this ballot. A write-in candidate must be a current member of the Carolina Canoe Club. Club members who wish to stand for office shall be allowed to submit their name for inclusion on the electronic ballot via a request to the nominating committee or to the webmaster. To submit a name for inclusion on the electronic ballot via a request to the nominating committee send an email to nominations@carolinacanoeclub.org AND webmaster@carolinacanoeclub.org. Names will be accepted until the day before the end of the electronic voting period (note some delays may occur – submit early!).

Selecting the button for a candidate is a Yes vote endorsing them for that office.