uid) { // this user is already logged in
print “

You do not have permission to access this page. Access to some pages is restricted to specific officers and staff.”;
print “

If you feel that you have received this message in error, please email the Webmaster with specific details so that we may review your access to our web site.”;
} else {
print “

We apologize, but you do not have permission to access this page. Some of our pages are restricted to Members Only. Please join or log in.”;
drupal_set_message(t(“We apologize, but you do not have permission to access this page. Some of our pages are restricted to Members Only. Please join or log in.”));
$querystring = $_GET;
unset($querystring[‘q’], $querystring[‘destination’]);
$destination = drupal_get_destination() . urlencode(‘?’ . drupal_query_string_encode($querystring));
$url = url(‘user’) . ‘?’ . $destination;
header( ‘Location: ‘ . $url );

Note:  You must be a member of the Carolina Canoe Club to participate in the clinics.  If you aren’t already a member, please join the club!   

Information and forms for registering are at the bottom of the page.  Registration deadlines are 2 weeks in advance of the clinic dates.

For information on Swiftwater Rescue Clinics, check here

This web page is maintained as a service to CCC members and anyone else who visits our site. We rely on our paddling friends to provide information about any additions, changes, or deletions to this web page. Send your input to the CCC Webmaster at webmaster@carolinacanoeclub.org. Include the following information: Name of the place, address, phone number, type of cuisine (for places to eat) and directions for finding the etablishment.

MAIL FORM AND PAYMENT: Please print the application below (using your web browser's print function). Complete it, sign, and mail the application with a check for the first year's dues of $20.00 to: CCC Membership Chairman, PO Box 12932, Raleigh, NC 27605 .

Please note that there's a signficant delay in processing your membership by check. The PO Box is at best checked weekly, and then the check has to process through. Plan accordingly!

Different options will be available depending on your membership status (Anonymous, Registered, Member, Club Officer).

Anonymous: Can't create anything. Can view some things.

Registered: Can't create anything. Can view more things.

Member: Can create Trips, Trips (for Members Only), River Cleanups, Events, Roll Practice

Club Officer: Can also create Announcements, Clinics, Modify most other things