Voting for the Officers of the Carolina Canoe Club for the 2012 term and the proposed change(s) to the CCC bylaws will be conducted electronically (via this ballot) and in person at the CCC Annual Meeting on December 3rd, 2011.

The results of the electronic ballots will be combined with the results from the manual ballots cast at the meeting. The final results will be presented at the club meeting in December and then posted on the CCC web site and published in the subsequent issue of The Paddler.

We have now discussed the need to increase Club dues at the past three CCC meetings (May, July, October). Those discussions have led the Board to ask the membership for feedback regarding the dues structure.

Both options will have memberships with online access to the newsletter for $20, an increase of $5 from the current price. Considerable debate has arisen about the pricing of memberships that include mailed delivery of a printed copy of the newsletter, which are currently $20. We are considering two options for these memberships: $25 or $30.

A YES vote approves an increase of $5 in dues for members who read the newsletter on-line, and $10 for member that have the printed newsletter delivered via USPS. Memberships receiving a printed copy of The Paddler will become $30, while those with online subscriptions to The Paddler will become $20. This pricing change will go into effect with new or renewed memberships beginning January 1, 2012.