Edgar Peck has been working to secure access to the take-out for Watauga Section 3 / put-in for Watauga Gorge for several years. The parking area to access the Watauga River at Guy Ford Road is privately-owned. The Blue Ridge conservancy has been working to purchase the 2.3 acre property on the downstream river left side of Guy Ford for about 2 years. This is about to come to fruition, securing a permanent public access to the river. This site provides a put-in to the Watauga Gorge section of the river below Guy Ford Road, as well as a take-out point for Section 3.

Voting for the Officers of the Carolina Canoe Club for the 2012 term and the proposed change(s) to the CCC bylaws will be conducted electronically (via this ballot) and in person at the CCC Annual Meeting on December 3rd, 2011.

The results of the electronic ballots will be combined with the results from the manual ballots cast at the meeting. The final results will be presented at the club meeting in December and then posted on the CCC web site and published in the subsequent issue of The Paddler.