The Carolina Canoe Club is excited to welcome everyone to the annual Holiday Party (and business meeting) in Durham, NC from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We'll share our dishes and then move into a discussion of club business at 2:00 pm.

Take the oportunity to meet the new club officers and find out what's happening for the next year!


The holiday party this year will be held at the home of Rick Steeves, 2535 Sevier St., Durham, NC

The CCC Membership aproved a $1,000 donation for Watauga River Access. At the Winter club meeting, members suggested that the CCC donate an additional $1,000 towards the purchase of property to create a permanent public Watauga River Access. The Access Reserve Fund would be used to create this donation.  Please cast your vote and learn more below.

Voting start on 1/3/2016, ending on 1/18/2016.  Thank you for your support.