CCC Email List Migration to complete
The transfer of the Yahoo Group ccclist to group ccclist is complete.
The transfer of the Yahoo Group ccclist to group ccclist is complete.
Your Yahoo Groups email migrated to
Save your membership chair the time at WOR on renewing your membership, only to have to come home and input your data for you. Even if it's only a few minutes, that can mean hours of work for your membership chair.
The CCC Board of Directors is pleased to announce that David Johnson has volunteered to be the new CCC webmaster.
Please welcome him aboard! You can reach him at
Duke Energy to launch new recreation flow releases in Pee Dee River below Tillery Dam
The Carolina Canoe Club is excited to welcome everyone to the annual Holiday Party (and business meeting) in Durham, NC from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We'll share our dishes and then move into a discussion of club business at 2:00 pm.
Take the oportunity to meet the new club officers and find out what's happening for the next year!
The holiday party this year will be held at the home of Rick Steeves, 2535 Sevier St., Durham, NC
Overview for Week Of Rivers
In order to better address the needs of the various communities associated with the Carolina Canoe Club, the CCC Board unanimously decided to explore a CCC Meetup page. This resource is not intended to replace the email list, the club website, or the Facebook page. Instead, it provides an additional resource to the paddling community at large.