The CCC Membership aproved a $1,000 donation for Watauga River Access. At the Winter club meeting, members suggested that the CCC donate an additional $1,000 towards the purchase of property to create a permanent public Watauga River Access. The Access Reserve Fund would be used to create this donation.  Please cast your vote and learn more below.

Voting start on 1/3/2016, ending on 1/18/2016.  Thank you for your support. 

From the ISP: 

An upgrade to the system infrastructure is scheduled to take place phases on Tuesday, December 8 at 9:30pm MST. This upgrade will allow us to increase reliability and uptime for the services we provide.
Phase one includes 15-20 minutes of downtime during which your website may be temporarily unavailable to your viewers. 
Thanks in advance for your patience during this upgrade. We're working hard to improve the services that power your website and we understand any maintenance can be an inconvenience.

Nominating Comitteee seeks Nominees.


Joan was going to take this down, but I think it might be best to leave it because the author should take it down? If Rick thinks different, go ahead and delete it. The date here says ti leave it to December 14 ???  after the election???


After more thought, I decided this needs to "expire"  Joan Monnig, Cruise Chair,  November 12, 2014

Google has announced the end of Google Checkout, and is sending recurring, increasingly urgent, notifications that we need to disable it on the site. I'll be removing it in the next week or so, so if you want to use Google checkout for your membership renewal, this is the time!