2014 Officer Election
The Nominating Committee has announced the following candidates for the 2014 slate of officers
CC's Winter Meeting/Holiday Potluck Dinner is set for Sunday, December 8, from 12*3 pm.
See http://www.carolinacanoeclub.org/content/ccc-annual-meeting for more details
The club provides a ham and beverages; attendees are invited to bring side dishes and desserts to share.
Where: Pacifica Common House, 141 Vibernum Way, Carrboro NC
Parking is a little tight so carpool if you can.
Members may vote on the 2014 officers starting Nov. 1. More information.
CCC Website back up
Like any well-run organization, the Carolina Canoe Club has a governing set of Bylaws. Like any growing and prosperous organization, the Bylaws should be reviewed and updated periodically to meet the needs of the group.
View Kent Ford's "Kayak Roll" on-line. Free! From Feb. 2- Feb. 5
Warning, there's some site availablility confusion for the Fall meeting (Today). More information to follow. ..
The on-line voting for the change in Membership Dues and Officers is now closed.