On Friday 10-19-18 Tom Womble and I paddled the Nantahala from Ferebee's down to the NOC for part one of the two part trip.  We met in the parking lot of NOC and proceeded to transfer Tom's boat over to my car.  As we were loading Tom's boat a guy, Dougie from New Zealand, came up and asked if we were running the river and if we were if he could join us.

In all of my years of paddling, I've never run the Dan through Kibler Valley.  I'm not sure why I haven't ever made this trip before.  The river is a scenic, narrow, scrapy but fun run at a 7000KW release from the Power House.  For my 1st D I had assembled a crew of Donna Murphy, Greg Murphy, and Rick Higgins along with a crew from the Smith River Valley paddlers.  Rick and I met at the REI in Durham and made the trip up to Kibler to meet up with Donna and Greg.  We ran two laps with Greg and Donna showing me some fun moves up and down the river.