Trip report for June 18, 2016.  Co-sponsored by Carolina Canoe Club and Coastal Canoeists.

Text by Jenny Wiley

Illustrations by Harrison and Isabelle Compton


Participants:  Jenny Wiley and Izzy Compton (OC2), Tim (Daddy) and Harrison Compton (OC2), Sarah (Mommy) and David (Poppa) Compton (sit-on-tops), Martha James (IK1), Sally Wetzler (K1), JJ Festa (K1), Janal Lindner (K1), Bob Morris (SUP), and Amy (Gran) Compton (shuttle).

Trip Coordinator: Jeff Hatcher

Paddlers- Rick Steeves, Steve Lott, Kevin Tuttle, Joe Mount, Jeff Hatcher

Temp 50, Level 5.8', 2300 cfs, 1' on the 64 bridge. 

Really great day on the Haw with new friends (Kevin), old friends (Rick and Joe) and really old friends (Steve was in Triad River Runners and helped me learn how to paddle back in 2002!).  

On a frosty, chilly January morning, a small but dedicated crew set forth to paddle Section Nine of the French Broad, and had a pretty danged good time doing so. This was actually the very first CCC trip I had officially coordinated, even though I’ve been a member since 1992. Luckily, this crew was totally up to the task. Mostly kayaks, with Benji and Sarah in a shredder-type raft.