Back in the depths of winter when I posted a novice trip to the CCC calendar, who knew what might be running on April 13, 2013?  It rained a little on the day before the trip, so we were lucky to have the Haw at a couple of inches above zero on the paddler's gauge.  There were some last minute emails the night before the trip, and it was decided that since the trip was posted as a novice trip, the 14 of us would meet at the Hwy. 64 access on Saturday morning. 

May 19, 2012 – Upper Meadow

When I posted this trip back in April, I was hopeful that there would be water in West Virginia on the weekend of the trip.  On the Monday before the trip, West Virginia got a pretty good rain, but as the week wore on, many of the West Virginia creeks started dropping out.  First the Back Fork of the Elk dropped below minimum, followed by the Cranberry.  I was starting to worry.  But by Thursday, it looked like the Meadow would hold, so we headed to West Virginia on Friday afternoon.