Trip Report – French Broad River, Section 9, 8/13/2016.  Level 2,100 cfs.

Wayne Jones (trip coordinator), Lee Thonus, Jim Cyrek, Joshua Gross.

Hot August day, lots of paddlers at the Barnard put-in around 11 am.  We decided to set shuttle at Hot Springs, and do both sections, from Barnard to Stackhouse, and then Stackhouse to Hot Springs.  This a first time trip on the French Broad for Joshua, with 2 days on the Nantahala and a few Tuck trips under his belt.

Trip Report – Eno River, New Year’s Day 2016.  2 PM. Water level around 4 feet.  15 paddlers.

Trip Coordinator – Wayne Jones, with heavy logistical support (otherwise recognized as “good sense” from Allen Freeman and Rick Steeves.)

Paddlers – Cameron Jones, Allen Freeman, Rick Steeves, Martin and Jordan Doyle, Richard Hopley, Russ Scheve, Pamela Maynard, Dale Briggs, Camille Warren, Greg Runyon, Jenny Wiley, Nathan Jamps, Terry Jones, Wayne Jones.