Carolina Paddler August 2024 Table of Contents

August 2024 Carolina Paddler Table of Contents

-Rafting Up for America  by Alton Chewning

 Bring strangers of different persuasions together in a raft, send them through challenging water and watch the “transformative nature of shared experience.”

You, Me and the CCC by Wil Holman 

How the Carolina Canoe Club helped one person learn to love the sport of paddling and to share it with others.

The Mystery of River Gauges by Mitch Lloyd

There are gauges galore but how do you compare them and what is the river really doing?

If you have any questions about Carolina Paddler or have a subject you’d like to recommend, or better yet, write about in an article, please contact    Having a diversity of writers helps keep our CCC journal fresh and interesting.

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