Week of Rivers 2022 recording
The Week of Rivers 2022 recording to provide advice about WOR is now available. Please log onto the website to access it. https://www.carolinacanoeclub.org/week-of-rivers-2022-recording/
The Week of Rivers 2022 recording to provide advice about WOR is now available. Please log onto the website to access it. https://www.carolinacanoeclub.org/week-of-rivers-2022-recording/
The recording of the ‘How to be a trip Coordinator’ class is now available:
UPCOMING SAFETY AND RESCUE CLASSES; Another reminder to get online and sign up for a class this year. May 22nd, Sunday: L3 River Safety and Rescue Part 1 of 3 (Wading and Swimming) (Registration open) June 4th, Saturday: L3 River …
In the interest to promote as much safety as possible, please review your profile for contact and emergency contact information. At the very least include your cell phone number and your contact’s name and number as well. In the event …
Please Review your Profile for Contact Information Read more »
To all with Expired/Expiring Memberships. I just want to let you know that if you are planning on attending Week of Rivers, June 15 is the last day to renew for your eligiblity to receive area vendor discounts (Nantahala Outdoor …
Is there anyone in the Fletcher/Hendersonville NC area that can pick up promo material from Liquid Logic and bring to Week of Rivers? Email me at membership.chair@carolinacanoeclub.org for details. Eliot
Tonight, Education Chair Wayne Jones will lead a discussion on how to be a trip coordinator. On Thursday night, join me for the quarterly member meeting. Zoom links can be found in the event announcements. Coming soon: WOR guru Tom …
CCC is a CLUB. The main reason we have a Club is to join each other on paddling trips. In order for this to happen, someone needs to coordinate the trips. That is YOU! You can do this! You …
Awesome members of the Carolina Canoe Club, Just a reminder that we currently have multiple Safety and Rescue and Swiftwater Rescue courses on the calendar. If you have not taken a course since the dinosaurs roamed or have not had …