The Carolina Canoe Club is excited to welcome everyone to the annual Holiday Party (and business meeting) in Durham, NC from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We'll share our dishes and then move into a discussion of club business at 2:00 pm.

Take the oportunity to meet the new club officers and find out what's happening for the next year!


The holiday party this year will be held at the home of Rick Steeves, 2535 Sevier St., Durham, NC

The 2016 Fall Meeting is now open on 11.22.16. The meeting will be located in the Members Fall Meeting and Officer Elections section of the CCC website. There will be a discussion forum for members as well as an Officer Report section. The meeting will be open for 10 days to members for comments and questions.

The CCC Officer Election is now open and remain open through the Winter Meeting.  Elections will be located in the Members Only section of the CCC website.

The CCC Spring Online Meeting will begin on 5/27 and be open for 7 days. The meeting is a discussion board format on the CCC website. Board members will be posting updates on 2016 progress and plans. Club members are welcome to ask questions or provide comments and suggestions. Login to the website is required to access the content. The meeting link will be provided prior to the meeting start date.