Nominating Comitteee seeks Nominees.


Joan was going to take this down, but I think it might be best to leave it because the author should take it down? If Rick thinks different, go ahead and delete it. The date here says ti leave it to December 14 ???  after the election???


After more thought, I decided this needs to "expire"  Joan Monnig, Cruise Chair,  November 12, 2014

Once again, the club will conduct the Autumn business meeting using the online forum-style format.  Beginning October 27, CCC members may log in here and access a Discussion Forum.  Online meetings are similar in format to an online message board and members are encouraged to login throughout the week to read and participate in ongoing discussions regarding the club.  CCC officers and staff will post reports which will be organized in folders where you can post your relevant questions.  Your inquisitive and cordial comments are always welcomed!   The meeting will conclude on November 3, 2014

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to see an issue discussed, please email

The bylaw revisions passed.  These were extensive revisions that will hopefully help the club operate smoothly.  While most of the changes passed unanimously,  several had a few dissents (see for details).  I am happy to see the project draw to a successful close.  Personally, I was strongly in support of the changes and believe they will help club tremendously.  Please remember that any part of the bylaws that do not work for the club can be changed!

Our annual club summer meeting is at 8 pm on Saturday June 28th, the first day of WOR.  The meeting will be under the club tent, so please grab a chair and some friends and join us.  We will need someone to volunteer for the nominating committee during the meeting.  Please consider volunteering for this important committee.

If you have any topics for discussion, please forward them to any of your board or staff members.

Message from CCC Membership Chair – 6/21/14 Hey CCC… you guys rock! We have 515 dues paying members and all but 52 of you have renewed your membership for Week of Rivers! Thank you all for getting this done early to help us volunteers endure less chaos during the week. And a final request (well, there may be one more) to those 52 who have not renewed to take 5 minutes and go to to renew online. I promise it is easier to do this than it will be to stand in line. Our goal is to get 100% of renewals to be non-cash this year. Thanks for your help with this important effort and let me know if you have any questions about how to join or renew online. Thanks!

Message from CCC Membership Chair – 6/9/14 Greetings CCC. I am pleased to report a veritable flurry of online renewals in anticipation of Week of Rivers now only 20 days away. I want to thank all who have responded to our requests to join or renew online to help minimize chaos in the mornings at WOR. I encourage anyone who needs to join or renew before WOR to please do so now online at One other reason this is important is we have been concerned in prior years about someone having to protect a wad of club cash during the week and therefore really want to get 100% of renewals to be non-cash this year. Thanks for your help with this important effort and let me know if you have any questions about how to join or renew online. Thanks!

Have you benefited from the Carolina Canoe Club?  Learned something new in a clinic, had fun at Week of Rivers, or met some fellow paddlers that have (or will!) become lifelong friends?  If so, have you considered giving back to the club and volunteering?

The Carolina Canoe Club runs on volunteers and we need your help and involvement to keep the club running strong.  How can you help? There are lots of ways! And if you have an idea for the club, we want to hear it.  Please let us know what you’re thinking.

The proposed changes to the club by laws have been posted.  The notice period is from May 2nd to June 2nd.  Online voting is from June 2nd to June 13th.

The by law revisions can be found here:

Links to the full text of the current and revised by laws are under the opening paragraphs and above the links to the forums.

Please review the changes, ask questions, and vote.