Jackson Kayak has stepped forward to sponsor Week of Rivers 2013 by donating a Fun Runner for give-away to some lucky WOR participant. Wanna win a Jackson Fun Runner? You may purchase a raffle chance for $5 each at morning meetings during Week of Rivers 2013 beginning June 29th. Raffle proceeds will be used towards CCC conservation efforts on our local waterways.
One of the top recommendations for beginner-intermediate paddlers, the Jackson Fun Runner strikes the perfect balance between river runner forgiveness and playability. It’s easy to roll, stable, fast and carvy, and it has that excellently comfortable Jackson outfitting.
The Fun Runner drawing will take place on Saturday morning, July 6, and the winner will get to choose which size Jackson Fun Runner s/he wants. The Fun Runner will be delivered to Nantahala Outdoor Center store to be picked up, run the Nanty and then take it home!
Raffle chances will only be sold during the Week of Rivers morning meetings. Winner need not be present on Saturday July 6th during the drawing to win. Winner is requested to please share a photo of themselves on a river in their new Fun Runner with Jackson Kayak and Carolina Canoe Club.