Glimpses from a Ten-Day Week

Glimpses From a Ten-Day Week

A Carolina Paddler photo essay by Dennis Huntley and Alton Chewning

It’s a time for picking up the Lost,

the Found…

and the Discarded.

photo by Tom Womble

Time to say goodbye until next year.

We had a good time.

We honored friends.

And made new ones.

The kids among us came out, 

-Photo by John Grimes.

Younger kids,


and Older kids.

-photo by John McDonald

We heard the music of life.

And embraced our friends.

Reliving old times…

when hearts were young and kisses only a dollar.

This was a time for making a jump.

Big or Small.

Sometimes we needed a little encouragement.

Video by Dennis Huntley

The results were often impressive.

Boofing video

And we got better at things we practiced.

360 Video

To be buoyed by others…

To have the little squirts …

Hanging with the big squirts…

Having the generations come together…

-image by Greg Nance

Daring to try new things.

-photo by j. McDonald

And reaching new goals.

-photo by Michael M. Nagurny
First Falls video by Chris Newlon

So, until next year….

-photo by Frank Mueller

So long, we’ll see you at the next ten-day week.

-photo by Angi Crockett Hansen