November 2023 Table of Contents

Carolina Paddler
November 2023 Table of Contents
-The November issue of Carolina Paddler contains the second article in the USGS gage series, a look at progress on the Neuse River Park and our first pass on waterfall descents.
“Gage, Stage, Discharge” by Alton Chewning
A USGS hydrologic technician explains how the river measurements we rely on arrive on their websites.
“What to Make of the Neuse River Park?” by Alton Chewning
Raleigh will have a new river park, but will it have whitewater features?
“How to Run a Big Drop” by Alton Chewning
The first of two overviews on how serious jumpers tackle big waterfalls.
The December issue of Carolina Paddler will have the final article on River Gages, where we accompany hydrologic technicians in the field.
Our article on “How to Run a Big Drop” sparked a lot of interest, and some questions and we will try to delve more deeply into the subject with help from an expert, Boyd Ruppelt, and a look at the progression of a CCC jumper.
Zach Schiada has an intriguing idea for a Scavenger Hunt/Paddle Challenge for the eastern and western parts of our state.
And maybe… we’ll get around to writing profiles of some of our most distinguished members.
Thanks for reading Carolina Paddler. If you have a suggestion for an article or would like to contribute one you write, please contact us at