Now’s the time. Be a candidate for the CCC Board Openings.

Consider running for an office on the CCC Board Openings.

The time is getting close for the Nominating Committee to present the new slate of candidates for the open positions on the CCC Board.  The announcement will be made on October 15.  Voting will begin soon afterwards.  Is now the right time for you to run for a CCC position?

Founded in 1969 and with over 800 members, the Carolina Canoe Club is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious paddling clubs in the United States.  This success is built on the participation of volunteers in organizing and guiding our efforts. The single best thing a member can do is participate in a Club activity.  The next best thing is to encourage someone new to join the club.  Posting trips figures high in this priority list but what about serving the club in a leadership position?

Taking a leadership role in the club helps in many ways.  The Club needs leaders to function.  Being a leader is a way of “paying it forward,” contributing to the collective energy of the club.  Leaders get to experience the joy and satisfaction of helping others.

Please give thought to running for one of the CCC Board positions that will open later this year.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Diana Haywood, Joe Berry or Alton Chewning at

The Nominating Committee will submit at least one eligible person for each open office by October 15, 2024. The Board positions coming open are President, Secretary-Treasurer and Member-at-Large.

Bylaws on Voting Period:  Officer elections shall be held via electronic ballot available to members on the Club’s website. The electronic ballot will be accessible for a minimum of 15 days (the “Voting Period”). The Voting Period shall occur at any point between November 1 and the December meeting and shall be announced no fewer than 15 days in advance of its commencement.

The following are descriptions of the Board positions open for 2024-25.  The first is from the Bylaws.  The second descriptions are supplied by current or previous Board members.

MEMBER-at-LARGE        Outgoing Member-at-Large: Susan Eda

Bylaws:  Member-at-Large. The Member-at-Large shall:

(a) serve as a liaison between the Membership and the Board of Directors, serving as a conduit for suggestions, complaints, and concerns; keeping the sources anonymous when possible; and

(b) serve, ex officio, as a member of the Board of Directors.

Description:  The Member-at-Large serves as an anonymous communication link between CCC Members and the Board of Directors.  I worked with the Board of Directors and club members to listen to suggestions, hear complaints, clarify issues, and try to solve problems.  I also participated in the Board of Directors meetings and made suggestions and recommendations from an out-of-state point of view.  I greatly enjoyed serving in this position and highly recommend it to out-of-state members who would like to give something back to the CCC and help the CCC function smoothly.

SECRETARY-TREASURER     Outgoing Secretary-Treasurer: Randy DiCello

Bylaws:  Secretary-Treasurer shall:

(a) record the minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors;

(b)route correspondence received by the Club to the appropriate Club officers;

(c) keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and expenditures.

(d)make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget, as authorized by the Board of Directors;

(e)  present a financial statement at every meeting of the Club and at other times when requested by the Board of Directors;

(f)  make a full report for the maintenance of such book of account and records in conformance with the requirements of the Bylaws; and

(g)  serve, ex officio, as a member of the Board of Directors.

Description: The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for these things:

  • Preparing the initial annual budget showing last year’s budget and actual spending.
  • Paying all club annual expenses for insurance, software (Zoom, website, etc), storage unit, ACA membership.
  • Distributing our charitable contribution checks (approximately 22 organizations).
  • Submitting tax forms.
  • Submitting NCDOR sales and use taxes quarterly.
  • Reconciling bank accounts to orders and Stripe/PayPal transactions monthly.
  • Reimbursing members for WOR expenses and other expenses and refunds.
  • Taking notes at club meetings and posting minutes.

PRESIDENT              Outgoing President:  Johnson Rice

Bylaws:  The President shall preside at all meetings of the CLUB and of the Board of Directors at which he/she may be present and shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the CLUB in order that the purposes of the CLUB may be promoted.

Johnson said he couldn’t improve on what 2023 outgoing President, John McDonald wrote last year about the position’s responsibilities.  Here are John’s comments:

Description:  The President assures the adherence of the Board and Membership in the conducting of Club business regarding By Laws and Corporate responsibilities.  This task is fulfilled with the cooperation and encouragement of the Board, Staff and Members.  The President leads the Club in maintaining our defined purpose and serves as an arbiter in reconciling Club positions on contended issues.  When situations arise, leads Board email discussion, and determines when an in-person or virtual Board meeting is needed.  Provides leadership, enthusiasm, and cohesion in the Club by exploring new ideas and programs with officers and circulating among members as often as possible.


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