President’s note re Week of Rivers/Membership status

Hi all;

Thanks to Mr. Week of Rivers, Tom Womble, Cruise Chair Rick Steeves and many others helping them, WOR 2024 is shaping up to be an awesome event!

But we need your help. ASAP!

If your membership is expired or will expire during WOR, we need you to go ahead and renew your membership today or tomorrow or asap.

It is a big deal as it turns out. It will help mitigate record keeping issues for everything from NOC sales to participation issues etc. It’s quite involved but unseen to the regular member. You will help avoid last minute misery for our membership leader, Jeff Hatcher. He thanks you!!

Please help our WOR squad out immensely by just renewing your expired membership quickly. Check these links out:

My Account – Carolina Canoe Club

Thanking you in advance and looking forward to seeing you at WOR!

Johnson Rice, CCC President

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