Riversense Documentary Showing

Riversense Showing Tonight

Tonight, 12/1/2023, at 8pm there will be a zoom showing of Riversense, hosted by Ed Gertler and the Canoe Cruisers Association.  You must register to receive the zoom information but there is no charge.

Riversense is a documentary done by Kate Geis in 2000 that features several individuals whose lives revolve around water activities. Early in the film we see rare footage of William Nealy and Holly Wallace, icons in the paddling world.  Geis spent four days with them discussing life, paddling, cartoons and what it all means.  Also featured is North Carolina’s  T.R. Yon, at the time a young paddler just starting in competitive free style paddling.  See Ed Gertler’s note below for more information on the showing.

Greetings all,

On Friday evening, Dec. 1, my paddling club (Canoe Cruisers Association) will be screening, via Zoom, an absolutely wonderful film called “Riversense”. I am sending this announcement to a group of friends who live far away, some of whom already receive email blasts announcing our Zoom broadcasts. Besides spreading the word, wanted to make sure that those who already have received the email blasts from the club have read past the party announcement and realized that this is available via Zoom as usual. Of course, if you happened to be in the area, all are welcome to join us. Please note that we cannot record this for later viewing.

Bottom line, I have watched scores of paddling films over the decades and “Riversense” is hands down, my favorite. I have watched it over a dozen times and still not tired of it. Emphatically, this ain’t paddle porn, though there is plenty of whitewater action. Created by Emmy- award-winning filmmaker, Kate Geis, the film peers into the lives of several people who are so in love with paddling, whitewater, or rivers that they ordered their lives around it. This is a people film and if you have ever wished to explain your paddling love to non-paddling friends or relative, this is what you would want to show them. Adding to the fun, both Kate and at least four members of the cast will be joining us to answer questions and fill in on their lives, since this work was created 20 years ago. I am totally excited about this.

If your are interested, please register (free and you don’t need to be a member) at