Trip Coordinator Incentives

As if the reward of giving back to the club that has given you so much was not enough, there’s another reason to volunteer to coordinate a paddling trip: trip coordinator incentives!  In an effort to get great trips on the calendar, the CCC offers a men’s/women’s pullover, only available to trip coordinators.

Eligible trip coordinators will receive a CCC pullover (if you’d just like your membership extended, you can do that instead!): MMRT, Easter, Memorial Day, WOR, and Labor Day)

To be eligible:

  1. Post the trip on the CCC website using the Calendar > Add to Calendar feature at least 48 hours before noon of the trip (for example, a Saturday trip must be posted by noon on the preceding Thursday).
  2. The trip must be open to any CCC member with skills suitable for the river. The trip coordinator, as always, has the right to determine who has the necessary skill level.  For safety reasons, the coordinator may restrict the size of the trip; the coordinator is encouraged to post the maximum trip size in advance.
  3. CCC membership is required in order to be a CCC trip coordinator!
  4. A trip report must be submitted on the CCC website within 30 days.
  5. Fill out the CCC Trip Coordinator Incentive Reward Form when the above is complete.
  6. Approved Trip coordinators will receive a gift code and ordering instructions for a men’s/women’s pullover from the available colors/sizes.

A CCC member may not be awarded more than two incentives per year. Additional incentives will be available.


All participants in Carolina Canoe Club trips do so as common adventurers.  The club or its individual members may coordinate paddling trips but no one is considered leader of a trip.  All participants take the responsibility for making their own decisions including, but not limited to, whether to participate on any particular water body or section, what equipment they use, the routes they may choose to paddle, whether their skill levels and abilities are appropriate for the activity or whether climate and water conditions are appropriate for their participation.  In my membership to the Carolina Canoe Club (CCC), I acknowledge that paddling, like many sports, has inherent dangers which can be minimized through education and experience, but cannot be totally eliminated I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive any and all rights and claims for damage I may have against the CCC, its officers and representatives for injuries suffered by me in CCC activities.

Carolina Canoe Club is established to foster and promote the interest of those individuals who find recreation and relaxation in paddling canoes, kayaks, and other similar watercraft on the many beautiful waterways of the Carolinas and neighboring states; to bring together paddlers of this region for companionship in group activities; to exchange information of special interest to all paddlers. All perspectives and reasons for joining the club are to be valued by all Club members. Respect is to be observed in all member interactions, especially during disputes, disagreements, and constructive criticism. The use of abusive language, slandering, intolerance, and irate behavior will not be tolerated.