Website/Facebook Integration

The CCC website was successfully cross-posting information to the CCC Facebook Group (in addition to our other Social Media sites) until Facebook removed the ability to cross-post to Groups.

Well, thanks to the incomparable Paul Scrutton, CCC Education Chair and Facebook Guru, we’re back!

While we can’t post to Facebook Groups, we can cross-post to Facebook Pages, so welcome to the new CCC Announce Facebook Page.

“Like” the CCC Announce Facebook page, and get timely updates on the Announcements, Events, and Trip Reports posted to your Facebook feed. “Like it AGAIN and it will be prioritized in your feed.

You can also stay current by subscribing to any one of our Social Media sites for the same updates: Email, RSS, Discord, etc.

Have a great holiday season. Hope to see as many as possible at the CCC Holiday Party and Potluck.

1 Comment on “Website/Facebook Integration

  1. Rick gives me too much credit. He doesn’t mention it, but he did the heavy lifting to modify how the messages were forwarded to Facebook. Bravo.