Cold Weather Safety and Rescue Class and Clinic


02/05/2022 - 02/06/2022    
All Day
Limited Contact: William Holman You are not logged in.


Bookings closed

Event Type

Cold Weather/Water Safety and Rescue Class & Clinic

If you paddle during the winter you SHOULD know the risks!

When was the last time you swam in your winter gear?  Do you need to wear a wetsuit or dry suit?  At what temperature do you need to start wearing a dry suit?  What else should you consider when planning that winter trip?  Join us and find the answer to all these questions and more.

This will be a joint Class/Clinic with the Carolina Kayak Club oriented towards newer paddlers and non club associated paddlers who do not have a great support network such as we do but all members are welcome as well as general public.

Day 1 (2-5-22) will be a classroom portion and cold weather activities on the water (lake-flatwater)

Location: Rolling View Recreational Area at Falls Lake State Recreational Area.

Time: 10:30 A.M.

Instructor:  Scott Brown, a L4 Sea Kayak Instructor who has vast knowledge of cold water and has taught many cold water classes in the past.

Covid precautions will be followed in the classroom, please bring a mask.

Classroom portion will discuss the risks of paddling on cold waters, how to mitigate those risks as a paddler and for your group and gear/clothing to consider for paddling regardless of what type of paddling you do.  We will also have numerous types of gear on hand to show everyone and possibly some to demo.

The Flatwater on water activities will include wading, swimming, and deep water re entry.  All on water activities will be challenge by choice and not required to attend the class.  Anyone wishing to participate in this portion must sign a waiver and will be required to have PFD and cold water protection.  All are welcome to just observe.   This portion will be run by CKC and safety will be run by CCC.

Day 2 (2-6-22) will be a short classroom portion followed by the on water activities (Modified L3 RSR)

Location:  Campbell’s Falls, Cape Fear River, Erwin NC

Time: 11:30 A.M.

The Classroom portion will be a short Safety brief followed by a few moving water specific concerns when paddling in colder temperatures.

PFD, Helmet, and cold water protection required to participate.  All are welcome to watch and not participate.

The Modified L3 River Safety and Rescue will be focused mainly on Wading, Swimming, and throwing ropes to illustrate the effects of the cold water on your skills.  This portion is challenge by choice and not required to attend the class on Day 1.

Instructor:  William Holman, CCC Safety Chair, L3 River Safety and Rescue instructor.

All courses will be free but registration or email from non members is highly encouraged to have a good idea of number of attendes.

Registration for this event is open.   If you are a non CCC member and wish to attend please email me with your contact information and which class(s) you wish to attend.

William Holman

Safety Chair


Registration for this Event is closed (which could be because you are not logged in as a CCC member).

All participants in any Carolina Canoe Club (CCC) trip do so as common adventurers. The CCC or its individual members may coordinate paddling trips but no one is considered leader of a trip. As common adventurers, all participants take the responsibility for making their own decisions including, but not limited to, whether it is safe for them to participate on any particular water body, what equipment they need and use, the routes they may choose to paddle, whether their skill levels and abilities are adequate for the activity or whether climate and water conditions are appropriate for their participation. Participants are exclusively responsible for their own safety.

Individual coordinators for all CCC activities set requirements per their sole discretion. The CCC does not necessarily endorse or approve requirements set by coordinators.