Pirates of The Tuckasegee


11:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Limited Contact: Tom Womble You are not logged in.

Event Type


Pirates of The Tuckasegee will once again set sail during Week of Rivers!!!

Dread Pirate Mark Hoffman is the Commodore of the fleet.

This trip travels the Tuckasegee River Gorge Section from Dillsboro to the Barkers Creek access. Class II, II+

Recommended for kids of all ages. All typical whitewater craft are suitable. Please, no pool floats on this one.

PFDs required for all. Helmets required for kids.

Official Details:

Attention all Pirates! We have received the official OPLAN from Pirate HQ

4th of July – Pirates of the Tuck

Calling all Pirates! Once again, we’ll be meeting on the Tuckasegee for Pirate Day. This is your chance to join 100 or so of your favorite pirates for a float trip down the mighty Tuck. This is essentially an all day water gun fight for children ages 0 – 99+, so come prepared.

What You Need To Know:

Put in:
If you are not prepared to run the dam (or don’t know what that is) launch at the lower put in at 12:00 noon. Otherwise be on the water at the upper Dillsboro Putin by 11:15 AM.

Mark Hoffman will be at the lower putin
Terry Markoff will be at the upper putin.

Take out:
We will all takeout at the Public Takeout on Rt. 74. (Barker’s Creek Access)

We will meet the day of the trip. Shuttles will mostly be independent, but we will help get folks matched up as best we can.

Other info:

The folks at the rafting company right next to the takeout have always treated us well and for a few bucks will shuttle folks back up, even if you don’t rent from them. They have some boats available, but you will need reservations if you want to rent a boat. Tell them you are with the Week of Rivers — it won’t get you anything but they’ll know we’re supporting them.

Keep in mind:
No shooting on shore especially at lunch
No shooting in the face
No water balloons
When on shore for lunch or breaks respect private property.
Do not go above the high water mark.

Looking forward to meeting you pirates on the water. Argh!


Dress for the weather! Bring provisions for an afternoon on the water.

Bring your Super Soaker of choice and expect to get wet.

The launch times, put-in and shuttle details will be discussed at the Morning Meetings and First Timers Socials in the days prior to setting sail.




All participants in any Carolina Canoe Club (CCC) trip do so as common adventurers. The CCC or its individual members may coordinate paddling trips but no one is considered leader of a trip. As common adventurers, all participants take the responsibility for making their own decisions including, but not limited to, whether it is safe for them to participate on any particular water body, what equipment they need and use, the routes they may choose to paddle, whether their skill levels and abilities are adequate for the activity or whether climate and water conditions are appropriate for their participation. Participants are exclusively responsible for their own safety.

Individual coordinators for all CCC activities set requirements per their sole discretion. The CCC does not necessarily endorse or approve requirements set by coordinators.