Big Water Bring Your Momma III Trip Report.

Your momma makes the best shake and bake fried chicken in the world. She just gets shaking and baking. I never once felt sorry for that chicken. Getting swirled, thumped up and down, covered in whatever happens to be in that bag and then thrown onto the hot grease. That poor chicken gets devoured, everyone nearby wants a piece and there are always oohs and ahhhs. Shake and bake is tough way to go for a chicken or a cboater with a missed line. Moving right along.


I had a couple of inquiries about the trip, but ultimately I think that the other natural flow rivers, and the Falls Dam running, my inability to car-pool (due to later plans) ended up making this a solo (or as we say in the UK – "Billy No Mates") trip.

Posting a trip on the website is an awesome way to meet paddlers. If the trip is a itch more difficult than it gets a little interesting. I got lucky. The folks that met me for the Creek Boat Smackdown at the USNWC had plenty of game.
John and Rachel Rea along with Todd and his significant other Bethany were awesome folks to meet and paddle with. I got my first couple of laps in by 11am and paddled over to the upper pond to meet my new friends from Atlanta.