Social Media
The CCC maintains a presence on a number of social media sites, and has a number of tools available to help you not miss anything!
- Email List – The email list, hosted on, includes most of the history of the CCC. Notification is sent when posts are added to the website.
- Facebook CCC – General discussion group
- Facebook Announce Page – Posts from the website (announcements, posts, events, trip reports)
- Facebook Gear Swap – post your used gear here
- Facebook Direct Marketing – commercials from outfitters and other paddling-related organizations
- Discord
The CCC website is integrated into our social media presence. What does that mean? Posting to the CCC website will cross-post to the appropriate locations:
- Posts (Officer Report, Announcements) > email, RSS, Discord, & FB CCC Announce page
- Trip Reports > email, RSS, Discord, & FB CCC Announce page
- Events > email, RSS, Discord, & FB CCC Announce page
Google/iPhone Calendar
Having a hard time keeping track of all the fun things on the CCC calendar? Did you know you can add the CCC calendar to your Google or iPhone calendar?
RSS feeds are an easy way to stay up to date with the CCC website – you get notified whenever a post goes up.
The links for RSS feeds are customized for your convenience:
Events: https:/
Trip Reports:
The CCC had a Meetup page, but with the loss of the API to cross-post from the website, and an almost doubling of fees, the subscription was canceled.