CCC Easter Weekend – South Fork of the Holston

Trip Date:04/06/2012
Written by: , Posted: April 16, 2012

Heading out of Raleigh on Thursday evening after work, I wondered what the CCC Easter Weekend would bring. This would be my first CCC Easter Weekend and it would be my first real river trip in 2012 (attaining up the Lower Haw at low flow the previous Sunday doesn't count). The next day we broke into our separate groups after the morning meeting and headed off to paddle a new river for all in my group, the South Fork of the Holston, near Damascus, VA. It’s all about the journey, right? We soon found out. Randy Welch, Joan Monnig, Greta Durbin, Ron Miller, Barry and Julie Schmidt, Pete Walther, Andy Malinowski, Ann Somers, Dan Richardson, and I were en route to the river when Pete’s boat decided to take a detour on the highway…without the car! Luckily, the boat and drivers were unscathed…Ann’s roof rack, not so much. Anyway, we finally made it to our Drowning Ford Road destination and greeted the river under sunny blue skies and temps in the mid-60s. The water level was a very comfortable middle range of 1160 cfs. It was a picture perfect day.

South Fork of the Holston (Drowning Ford Road to Alvarado) is a lovely, scenic class II river that runs along the Virginia Creeper Trail. We waved at several cyclists enjoying a spring ride and saw lots of wildlife (turtles, herons, eagles). There are 2 main rapids, Ledge Rapid and Triple Ledge Rapid and both were navigated successfully by the group. The water moved fairly quickly so even the flatter sections offered several opportunities for practicing those oh so important basics (eddy catching, ferrying, and peel outs). About 2/3 of the way down the river, we found a gem of a cove on the right side of the river with a lovely waterfall. Folks took turns “showering” under it while others snapped pictures.

We ended the run at Alvarado, a quaint little town with a small store named aptly Alvarado Station…felt very much like we’d taken a step back in time about 40 years. Everyone had a good day. What did the CCC Easter Weekend bring? It brought me the first of what would turn out to be 3 perfect river days. What a great way to start the 2012 paddling season. I’m looking forward to many more days just like them…good people, good paddling, good fun!