Familes Paddle Too!

Trip Date:05/26/2012
Written by: , Posted: May 30, 2012


The only thing better than seeing my kids’ smiling faces after a fun run on a river is seeing the faces of over 30 kids and 40 moms and dads after a day on the river making new friends and sharing days outside in the fresh air and cool river water. That is what Families Paddle Too! is all about – it is to encourage the enthusiasm and joy of our next generation of whitewater paddlers.

Much like a Week(end) of Rivers for Kids, we started our morning meetings at 9:00 under the pavilion at Smoky Mountain Meadows campground.  Saturday morning four trips were coordinated: 

Garrick Taylor led a challenging and successful trip of intermediate level teen paddlers on the Upper Pigeon. No swims were reported despite the fact that it was the personal first descent for more than one paddler.

Brent Summerfield led a fun group of youth and parents on a run of the Tuck Gorge.  For many of our paddling youth, this was the first time they were back in their boats on current.  A  fun time was had by all.

Erik Rasmussen and Ron Milller teamed up to help novice paddlers of all ages show off their wet exit and  brush up on basic boat skills on the Tsali Lake,  They then headed over for a short run of the Town Tuck.

A smaller group of paddlers headed over to the Nantahala on Saturday.  Some joined in with Wayne Dickert and others coordinated their own small group for a run on the tried and true Nantahala

Saturday evening included an open store/reception at Endless River Adventures boater store.  After healthy sandwichs and not-so-healthy brownies and cookies, families sat down to chat with Juliet Jacobsen Kastorff about paddling with kids.  Juliet shared some of her wit and wisdom from years of working with youth, listened to concerns, answered questions, told stories and offered advice.

When Sunday morning dawned, the campground was abuzz with excited children! Who would win the boat?  Jackson Kayak donated a Shooting Star and one lucky child was to go home with it.  When Olivia’s name was drawn, everyone cheered heartily.  Hooray for smiling, fun 9 year-old Olivia who fit in the boat beautifully and was so excited to have a play boat!  The second drawing was for a youth-sized splash jacket from Immersion Research and little Adam from Atlanta Whitewater was thrilled to receive it even if he will need to grow into it.   If there is one thing we know about kids – they grow!   The last drawing was for a Liquid Logic speedloader throw bag and it went to teen paddler Kyle, who really needs one now that he has upped his paddling skill and river level.

Sunday groups were quickly formed and there were three groups on the Nantahala coordinated by Brent Summerfield, Jason Clevenger and Marlow Durbin.  Erik Rasmussen and Susan Appt took another group on the Tuck Gorge.    There were many firsts on the Nantahala on Sunday.  There were two I will always remember.  My daughter Greta and Brent’s daughter Olivia ran the falls on Sunday like pros.  Perfect lines all the way down.

Day Three brought some excitement in the form of lessons and learning. After packing up gear and tents, the families split up into several groups. Some went to Devils Dip on the Town Tuck for a Family Safety and Rescue clinic with Endless River Adventure’s Juliet Jacobsen Kastorff.  There, Juliet worked with families on rope throwing, swimming and rescue techniques.  Another group headed to the Nantahala where they were split into two groups.  One group began working with Jon Clark of Nantahala Outdoor Center on play moves and surfing on the little Nantahala wave.   Some of the more experienced youth tried their skills on the new Nantahala Freestyle wave with Jon and parents keeping a close and protective watch.  Meanwhile, Wayne Dickert worked with the other group on the slalom gates.  Then switch and each group tried their hand with the other instructor so that by 1:00 in the afternoon, everyone had a chance to learn slalom and playboating moves.

Top notch instruction for our youth paddlers from world class instructors. Thank you Juliet! Thank you Jon! Thank you Wayne!

It was truly a weekend of fun, friends, learning and good times.  Thanks to Endless River Adventures, Immersion Research, Jackson Kayak, Liquid Logic, Smoky Mountain Meadows campground, and Nantahala Outdoor Center for all their help and support for a fabulous weekend for kids.  

I look forward to the second annual co-club Families Paddle Too!  with Appalachian Paddling Enthusiasts, Atlanta Whitewater Club, Bluegrass Wildwater Association, Carolina Canoe Club, Foothills Paddling Club, Georgia Canoeing Association and Triad River Runners.  Hopefully next year, we will be joined by even more clubs and families.

Below is a partial lists of firsts for Families Paddle Too!

Families Paddle Too! 2012 – First Timers List

Alyssa T            First Ocoee run

Alyssa T            First Cat’s PJ jump in

Aaron H             First time demoing a boat

Anaclaire M       Wet exit                                                                                                                                              

Anaclaire M      River run in whitewater boat –Town Tuck                                                                            

Ben D               Upper Pigeon river run                                                                                                 

Catherine D     Roll                                                                                                                                        

Catherine D      Play time on Nanty wave

David P            Running the Nanty with no swims

David                First Tuck Gorge trip

Greta D              Full run of the full Nanty

Greta D               Play time Nanty Free Style Wave

Greta D               Window shade

Griffin S               Swim with skirt

Heather M           River run in whitewater boat –Town Tuck

Jacob C               Upper Pigeon river run

Jacob C                Play wave on the Nanty

Jacob C                 Hand paddle full Nanty

Jason C                 Open boat on Upper Pegeon

Jenna C               Nanty river run

Jonathan             Tuck Gorge river run

Jonathan H         First time jumping off Table Rock — Nanty

Kyle C                   Nanty river run

Kyle C                  Win of a swag raffle

Marlow D            NOC Boat Demo

Marlow D            Solo run of the “wildwater line” on Nanty falls (no one leading me)

Marlow D            First time coordinating shuttle on the Nanty

Marlow D            First use of my tow rope and rescue vest

Marlow D            First run on the Upper Pigeon

Melissa               First run on the Tuck Gorge

Mike                     First run on Tuck Gorge

Nick M                  Nanty run

Nick M                  Nanty play wave

Nick M                  Swim

Nick Y                   Tuck River Gorge run

Olivia S                  Nanty run

Olivia S                  Nanty Falls

Olivia S                  Current roll

Olivia S                  Jump off Table Rock on Nanty

Olivia S                  Time I won a boat

Olivia S                  Time in a playboat

Rob C                    Nanty run

Sean M                 First river run in whitewater boat – Town Tuck

Taegan M            First river run in whitewater boat – Town Tuck

Teresa  H             Nanty river run

Valerie                  First time in whitewater boat

Wil R                      First time wearing nose clips

Will R                     First wet exit

Will R                     First solo boat in moving current – Town Tuck

Will R                     First time solo on the Tuck Gorge