Families Paddle Too Saturday trip report

Trip Date:05/28/2022
Written by: , Posted: May 31, 2022

The Tuck trip, originally announced by Tom Womble, was hijacked by club members Miles (age 14) and Adah (11) Thompson, Colin Godwin (14), Brenda Randell (14), and Dylan (8) and Hadley (4) McPeake, perhaps as a warm up to WOR’s Pirates of the Tuck trip.

After watching the gauges overnight and scouting the Town Tuck take-out, the group opted for a Tuck Gorge run.  Despite higher than normal levels (3300 cfs), most of the traditional lines held true.  Tom Womble and Jim Mazzola served as the group’s probes, in search of trees or other hazards after the flooding rains earlier in the week.  Most of the group’s up-and-coming paddlers practiced eddy skills at lunchstop on a beautiful and sunny day with temps in the 70s.

Other group participants included:  Amy and Mark Thompson, Matt Level, Karoline and Daniel McPeake, Darrell McPeake, Jon Godwin, Morgan Randell, and Dana and Mark Hoffman.