Hiwassee July 3, 2021 CCC Week of Rivers Powerhouse Ramp to Reliance

Trip Date:07/03/2021
Written by: , Posted: July 13, 2021

2021 July 3 CCC Week of rivers Trip INFO
Hiwasee River TN July 3, 2021
Descriptions are from American Whitewater
Pertinant info:
To obtain the predicted release for the following day by calling the TVA flow number: 800-238-2264 (toll-free) then pressing 4, then 22, and then the # sign. If you call on a Friday (after 6pm) then you can obtain the release predictions for Saturday and Sunday. This gives the CFS info.. I use the USGS Hiwassee river gauge.

from USGS Hiwassee River above Reliance

Flow range is 15.00 – 30.00 ft

Put in Powerhouse Ramp

Thread the Needle Class II at 1.6 mi
—-Soon after the mouth of Towee Creek (on river right) the river descends over a short series of ledges, before being diveded by Cane Island. Work to the left, taking the left channel. This chute is in turn divided by a rock jumble. Go to the left or to the right.

Mary Nell Point Class II at 2.1 mi
—- As the river works around Big Bend, it approaches a 3 foot drop, most prominent on river left–Mary Nell Point. On river right, before the drop is the Big Bend Parking area.

Stairstep Rapid Class II at 2.5 mi
—- A series of ledge drops that last well over a quarter mile — one of the common lines is to start river right and work over to river left.

Little Rock Island Class II+ at 3.1 mi
—-As you approach the island, take the river left channel — this line involves a short series of Class 2+ ledge drops.

Funnel Rapid Class II+ at 4 mi
—- As the river bends to right, there are another series of shallow ledge drops. Soon the river is divided by Big Island. The most common line is to take the river right channel. The channel drops over a 2-3 foot ledge with three chutes. An excellent place to catch eddies and to surf.

Devil’s Shoals Class II+ at 4.6 mi
—- Continue down the left channel around Big Island. The channel widens and then begins to both drop over another series of ledges, as the channel constricts. The fast current and turbulent water form Devil’s Shoals. As you work down the ledges, there are eddies that can be caught on the right. As you work down the rapid, a ledge appears on river left, work down the center of the channel for this last section.

Take out at 5.8 miles–