Ocoee Marathon Weekend

Trip Date:05/31/2012
Written by: , Posted: June 6, 2012

This trip was planned to take full advantage of the first five day release of the season. After visiting Obie at the Liquidlogic/Legacy Paddle Sports' farmhouse I was ready to test out my Remix 69's repaired seat and new prototype parts. Thursday was a very low traffic day on the Ocoee. Friday was still laid back with no significant waiting to play any river features. Saturday Charlie Redington along with Robbie and Jeff met me at the Middle Ocoee put-in. We had a great run down the river with only minor carnage. For some odd reason I was the only one to use the elevator at Broken Nose but everyone had clean lines.

Raft traffic was much lower than expected Saturday and Sunday despite the beginning of school vacations. Monday was a great day on the river with limited traffic not many rafts and few private boaters in the morning.
