Raft and kayak traffic were even lower than expected. Joe Marincel met me early at the take-out Saturday morning. We ran two laps together. Joe got soe great combat rolls in Table Saw. I ran a third lap solo in the afternoon and tested the depth of Hell's Half Mile; it is still very shallow but my helmet still works quite well. Saturday night at my outpost the kids got a little noisy but I still got up early Sunday to eat and go kayak. The kids wrecked their raft at Grumpy's with a hit so hard the trainer nearly got ejected.

We Swam! 

Over the winter I outfitted my 16' Old Town Canoe Penobscot with a spray deck. This is in an effort to get my wife out white water paddling with me more and also to take on less water in the canoe.

I decided that the Nanty would be the best trip to test out the spray deck since last time we paddled the canoe on the Nanty it swamped several times. I posted the trip and had one paddler express interest in joining, and then he was a no show. 

Yeah I did Spam you and your Momma for a few months. It seems to have worked. Thank you everyone who made the trip. You kindness is inspiring as is the Ministry distributing the food. I am so very thankful you guys made this happen. 

Trip participants:-K1:- Patrick Pugh, John Harper, Kevin Tuttle, Paul Scrutton

We paddled the Milburnie Dam to Poole Rd section of the Neuse river.The trip was 3.5 miles long. Level was 135cfs (1.14' on the online gauge).

While Kevin and I had paddled this section before, it was Patrick's first time on this section of the river and it was John's first time paddling a kayak on a river.

The trip was quite uneventful, no flips. At one of the rapids we all did a little surfing on a small wave.

Not really an official club trip but rather a last minute gettogether.   Thought I would report it for those unfamiliar with New Hope.  It is a delightful class 2/3 creek run in the triangle, about 6 miles long, runnable only after heavy rain that usually puts the Haw in flood stage.   It comes up and goes down fast, so runnable window is small.  Putin at bridge on Turkey Farm Road in northern chapel hill, take out at next highway bridge which is Erwin Road.   The creek runs through Korstian section of Duke Forest (scenic).

Big Water Bring Your Momma III Trip Report.

Your momma makes the best shake and bake fried chicken in the world. She just gets shaking and baking. I never once felt sorry for that chicken. Getting swirled, thumped up and down, covered in whatever happens to be in that bag and then thrown onto the hot grease. That poor chicken gets devoured, everyone nearby wants a piece and there are always oohs and ahhhs. Shake and bake is tough way to go for a chicken or a cboater with a missed line. Moving right along.