No dogs were rescued in the course of this Ocoee trip.

I haven’t spent much time on the water this year. Kayaking the Haw last week I was wondering whether I could even still roll. Then I screwed up at the bottom of Moose Jaw and at least answered that question. I know the Ocoee well (and can still play back all the rapids in my head), but it’d been almost a year. Wonder how that will go? Adding to that the weather reports showed close to freezing temps in Ducktown for the weekend.

Lee Martin and Lara met me at the put in for the first lap. There might have been six boaters in front of us when Lee and I put on Saturday morning. It was a fun lap. I think Lee had a quick flip and roll but otherwise a dry hair run with no sneaks. The afternoon lap was spent helping POC recover swimmers and gear. Sunday temps dropped and reduced the number of boaters. The morning lap was quite chilly for spring.

Trip Coordinator: Jeff Hatcher

Paddlers- Rick Steeves, Steve Lott, Kevin Tuttle, Joe Mount, Jeff Hatcher

Temp 50, Level 5.8', 2300 cfs, 1' on the 64 bridge. 

Really great day on the Haw with new friends (Kevin), old friends (Rick and Joe) and really old friends (Steve was in Triad River Runners and helped me learn how to paddle back in 2002!).  

Chapel Hill Roll Session January 27th

In the spirit of Trip Reports gone by.

There were around 15 boats. 2 really long kayaks. One 2 man kayak with a woman. 4 playboat kayaks. 1 ruined kayak. 2 creek boat kayaks. 4 river runner kayaks. Some of them were blue. Some of them were red. Some of them were green. One of them had blue, green, yellow, red, fade, orange, black and white. One of them was orange. Several had several colors.

There were a lot of kayaks upside down at one time or another.

The end.


On a frosty, chilly January morning, a small but dedicated crew set forth to paddle Section Nine of the French Broad, and had a pretty danged good time doing so. This was actually the very first CCC trip I had officially coordinated, even though I’ve been a member since 1992. Luckily, this crew was totally up to the task. Mostly kayaks, with Benji and Sarah in a shredder-type raft.

Trip Report – Eno River, New Year’s Day 2016.  2 PM. Water level around 4 feet.  15 paddlers.

Trip Coordinator – Wayne Jones, with heavy logistical support (otherwise recognized as “good sense” from Allen Freeman and Rick Steeves.)

Paddlers – Cameron Jones, Allen Freeman, Rick Steeves, Martin and Jordan Doyle, Richard Hopley, Russ Scheve, Pamela Maynard, Dale Briggs, Camille Warren, Greg Runyon, Jenny Wiley, Nathan Jamps, Terry Jones, Wayne Jones.