Archives: Trip Reports
The Yellow River China
Trip Report Yellow River China
I bet this is a first; The Yellow River in China. But this story is more than just a story about a trip to the Yellow River, it is a story about karma. But then, aren’t all stories about rivers actually stories about karma, the karma of what happens before the river, the karma of what happens on the river, and the karma of what happens after the river.
Upper Gauley First Timers’ Trip 2014
Upper Gauley
First Timers' Trip
Led by Lisa Birskovich
September 6-7, 2014
- No shots were fired at the Statesville Wal-Mart.
- The campsite was spacious and pristine.
- All of the first-timers kept their boats on.
- As of last report, nobody fell victim to the tap water.
- Five virgins, Six vets.
Labor Day Ocoee-a-thon
Well, I've been hankerin' to see just how many times I could run the Ocoee in a day, but I knew I needed one thing … shuttle. So for Labor Day weekend, my wife Marnie agreed to come along and spend a day running me/us back and forth, to see just what could be done. I’d had a few people contact me about the trip, but it all boiled down in the end to meeting Mark Kieran and Eric Tucker Saturday morning.
RX: Saturdays in July on Kibler Section, Dan River
Post Week of River Blues? OR maybe a wee bit of exhaustion? The Doctor ordered up a presciption of smiles on the Kibler Section. Filled today!
Dan River: Kibler Valley Power Plant to..”the church” steeple…
Ozarks Canoe Camping
Paddle Smoothly and Find a 10 Foot Stick or RETHROG Reprised
Paddle Smoothly and Find a 10 Foot Stick or RETHROG Reprised
Tuckasegee River Gorge (Dillsboro to Barkers’ Creek)
Trip Report: Tuckasegee Gorge (Dillsoboro to Barkers’ Creek), Saturday, June 14, 2014
Saturday on the Tuck, we had beautiful weather: sunny and hot! Ahh, summer! We had a little bit extra water from rain in the watershed the night before, for a water level of 1000 cfs, enough to pad out the boney sections, but not enough to make the river too pushy for novices. Just right.