With age (64.98) came enough wisdom to postpone the trip from Saturday to Sunday: from cold and craptacular to warm and sunny.  We had eleven boats (from four states) running Chattoga 3 1/2 (Thrift's Ferry to Woodall Shoals) at 1.95 on the gauge.  The water was crystal clear and sparkly, and the group played its way down the river with no carnage and lots of fun.

Paddlers: Lisa Birskovich (fearless leader), Joe Berry (room of doom guy), Matt Daniels (calm, cool, collective), Bret Harrison (the captain), Jon Godwin (Mr. Encouragement), Luke Osborne (The Starchild), Stuart Samuels (knowledge base), Sejal Kinker (Mrs. Smooth), Dennis Ashford (rookie), Jereme Adams (rookie)


    The Pigeon doesn't have scheduled releases on Sundays, but the lake level was high and there was substantial inflow so we knew that Duke would generate at some time during the afternoon. There are several creeks that enter the 'Dries" between the dam and the powerhouse. Among them Hurricane Cr, Cold Springs Cr, and Big Cr, which can be seen from the put-in. On this morning the natural flow from these creeks was 700 cfs (minimum to run the Pigeon is around 300 cfs)

This list is partially transposed from soggy papers from the wettest WOR on record, from many emails and Facebook messages.  All errors herein are probably due to Cruise Chair.  Thanks to Bill Dement and Marlow Durbin who helped read wet and runny hieroglyphics and to Sarah Ruhlen for her editing and remarks. Happy Memories and Happy Reading All!  Joan Monnig, Cruise Chair


Set up Circus Tent by 10 am, Dennis Lyons