I’ve seen this rapid before.

I’ve stood, trembling slightly, on these rocks and surveyed the length of whitewater before me, in an attempt to figure out how to avoid all those nasty little places where I don’t want to go but would inevitably end up.

With age (64.98) came enough wisdom to postpone the trip from Saturday to Sunday: from cold and craptacular to warm and sunny.  We had eleven boats (from four states) running Chattoga 3 1/2 (Thrift's Ferry to Woodall Shoals) at 1.95 on the gauge.  The water was crystal clear and sparkly, and the group played its way down the river with no carnage and lots of fun.

Paddlers: Lisa Birskovich (fearless leader), Joe Berry (room of doom guy), Matt Daniels (calm, cool, collective), Bret Harrison (the captain), Jon Godwin (Mr. Encouragement), Luke Osborne (The Starchild), Stuart Samuels (knowledge base), Sejal Kinker (Mrs. Smooth), Dennis Ashford (rookie), Jereme Adams (rookie)