Upper Gauley First Timers – 2011

Lisa Birskovich, James Woods, Nick Woods, Tony Cowan, Ashley Cowan, Joe Berry, Bret Harrison, Kurt McKissick, Luke Osborne & Tina, Stuart Samuels, Lee Belknap, Paul and Karen Lange

First Timers: Jeff Dennie, Morgan Randell


Sometimes I understand why people are reluctant to post trips — scheduling. I think at one point I had a high of eight coming, with a low of two. A bit nervewracking at times. But, things finally stabilized out Thurs. with Kevin and Stephan coming along for Sat. and Sunday.

We all rolled into Thunder Rock  campground late Friday night. Stephan was already abed when I arrived, but Kevin kept me company as I set up. Morning came early, and we got an early start for the long (2 minute) drive to put-in about 9am.

ELF Run Cheoah

As promised at our first tent meeting for Week of Rivers the Cheoah ELF run took place on Tuesday, July 5th with a group of 20 paddlers. Luckily for us first timers there was a small group of those who had "elfed" before. Mark gathered the group and explained that this would be an introduction to creeking adventure and we had to be ready to execute and put our boats into exact spots on the river. After spending the usual time trying to organize cars and people to get them to the river we arrived at the put in.