Return of 5-Day Ocoee Week – First Five-Day Ocoee Week

Trip Date:06/02/2016
Written by: , Posted: June 9, 2016

Participation was low during this trip. I suspect many folks have to work M-F and there were lots of options for intermediate+ boaters over the weekend. On the other hand it is hard to beat five days of warm whitewater boat riding. I somehow avoided working Saturday and Sunday and spent my windfall of time shooting carnage video as well as paddling. 

I don't have anymore trips posted on the calendar but I will be video boating on the Ocoee all summer. My Fridays are expected to be free to paddle for fun and late Saturday afternoon/evening fun runs are likely. Feel free to contact me or just meet me at the put in if you'd like to paddle the Ocoee or see some of the interesting lines or moves.

I'll be at the Ocoee throughout Week of Rivers and willing to lead trips or shoot some video of your run.
