Umpteenth Annual June Nolichucky trip

Trip Date:06/14/2014
Written by: , Posted: June 18, 2014
Umpteenth Annual June Nolichucky Trip
After 2 people bailed last minute we had 11 paddlers fired up and ready to go on the banks of the old Nolichucky. there was Wayne Jones and Olivia Summerfield daring a first descent.  Fred Metherell shaking off some rust in his characteristic laid-back style. Joe O, Brent Summerfield, Brother Wayne Poole, Melanie Ruhlman, Wes Dodson surfing all the waves.  Merridee Harper styling her way down, and special mystery guest Oci-One-Kanubi showing he can still bring the heat!
It was a beautiful clear blue sky day around 80 degrees, with a level around 800 cfs.  we saw only a few rafts all day, and had the river to ourselves to enjoy the many rapids, surf spots, ferries and eddies the Noli has to offer. 5 hrs later, and after wearing a deeper hole at Twin Eddies, we headed to the Chicken Ten Thousand Ways Buffet in Asheville to refuel our mighty engines and recount the glories of the day. Props to Olivia for an excellent run, and a good recovery at Souse Hole!
After a round of hugbackslaps in the parking lot we were on our way, promises to do it again soon ringing in our ears.