USNWC Shamrock Smackdown 2013

Trip Date:03/16/2013
Written by: , Posted: March 18, 2013

USNWC Shamrock Smackdown 2013

This Smackdown had a different vibe. Sort of a See and be Seen thing. Just you and me and 10,000 of our closest friends.

Reminded me of the Oscars. Yep, that's it. I am already a notorious name dropper (Paddled with Dennis Huntley) so maybe this is the format.

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the USNWC for the Shamrock Smackdown Oscar throwdown show.. Hey, who is that is the parking lot, Abi Riak. Must be she is smiling so bright. Welcome Abi. Well look over there on the concrete ramp, it's that guy from The Lord of the Rings. Is that Eric Condrey, Dave Hepp, Erica Bower,Dan Friend and Doug Stager. Impressive showing this afternoon. Hey Stager, you sure 3  Go Pros are enough? Dude, even my kind only need two. Oh no there are our targets, excuse me Oscar canidates Stephanie Kramer, Marolow Durbin and Dennis Ashford. Hey Gents,the fun stuff is on the right channel. Bridgit and Chris Nudi, no way.Guess that's it for the A listers, oops there is Amy Fox, Wendy Krause, The Joanie Lambert, Randy of the Welch, Sylvia DuRath, Daniel Richardson, Martha Mount, Eric Mount, Eric Stuart, Daniel Richardson and Dan Ott. Jamila. Time for some Oscar highlinghts, oh, hey there Jesse Duncan and B J Watkins kind of you to join us.

2013 Shamrock Smackdown Oscars are as follows.

The Oscar for Best New Paddler goes to Abi Riak. Abi won her Oscar for her great smile and can do attitude. She was tested often and early by some over eager loser C1 boater on the Instructional channel. Congrats Abi!

The Oscar for Best First run on the Comp Channel goes to Dennis Ashford and Marlow Durbin. Sorry for the tie. They both greased the lines despite poor directions ( get right, then get further right when rounding the bend on the big drop) from some guy with a Tam' O Shanter. The Oscar for Best Support goes to Dennis Huntley. The young gents were at least smart enough to follow Gandoff down most of the way.

The Oscar for Cinematography goes to Stephanie Kramer. The voters were more than a little disappointed that she did not take more pictures of a  yellow and green Cboater. We do feel she can learn from that mistake.

The Oscar for best Costume goes to yours truely. For the second straight year the Tam' O Shanter was just too pretty. The voters did give special consideration to Michael Kafesky for his leprechaun costume and the thing he did to turn the water green. Nice effort son, there is always next year. I, err, the voters have spoken.

The Oscar for Best Carnage goes to Jamila. The voters were at first uanaware of this suprise entry. We did hustle and get there just after the first 3 windowshades in Shutdown. As a certain Tam' O Shanter was passing by the hole, she escaped upright and smiling.Timing babe. You got timing. Special consideration was given to B J Watkins for letting a raft pin him on the wall around Sunset. Maybe next year young man.

The Oscar for Best Female Paddler goes to Abi Riak, Joanie Lambert, Sylvia Durant, Amy Fox, Wendy Krause, Jamila, Bridgit Nudi, and Martha Mount. All these chics rock so we could not make a decision. The voters also wanted to live another year.

The Oscar for Best Male Paddler was a close one as well. It just seems to easy to pick anyone who uses a single blade as the best. This year unfortunately it was a tie between Dennis Huntley, Dennis Ashford, Marlow Durbin, Daniel Richardson, Randy Welch, Doug Stager, Dan, Dan Ott, Eric Stuart, Eric Mount and Chris Nudi. Special consideration was given to SRVCC studbolts Jesse Duncan and B J Watkins for paddling Blackfly Options so the voters have amended the vote and added them to the winners list. Congrats gents.

The final Oscar is a Lifetime Achievment award. Instead of sitting in a Rocking Chair counting his money, this gentleman showed some gents down the Comp Channel. Graced the other folks with his presence on the other channels and still managed to be better paddler than us all put together.Good job Dennis Huntley . In addition to this award, all young guns are now required to carry his boat to his vehicle at the end of the day.

Thanks everyone for a fine USNWC Shamrock Smackdown 2013.